Create a new investor-focused website for New Zealand-based cannabis company Pure Isolation Ltd, showcasing their disciplined and technologically driven approach to medical cannabis.

A value proposition emphasizing discipline and technology requires a matching brand and website. The look and feel can significantly impact perceived credibility, which is crucial for an early-stage company like Pure Isolation Ltd.

Develop an original brand aesthetic inspired by the company's disciplined and technology-focused approach, as well as its unique New Zealand landscape. Create original 3D renders of facilities to lend credibility and show investors the vision. Deliver a professional website experience that competes with New Zealand's largest and most developed licensed producers.

My Role
- As a freelance consultant and full-service provider, managed and executed the entire project from planning to execution and closing.
- Commissioned design and development talent.
- Performed brand strategy and copywriting.
- Managed project budget and timeline to ensure timely and cost-effective delivery.

- Site was launched on time and on budget to an enthusiastic client response.
- Site is still live and used today, indicating the longevity and quality of the content.
- Site delivered an experience competitive with the largest NZ-based cannabis competitors.
-Visual assets, including facility renders, were used across brand marketing communication moving forward for long-term value.
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