Determine the ideal pre-roll product format to introduce with the brand launch of The Batch, aiming for market differentiation and strong sales performance.
When it comes to pre-rolls, the dollar per number of rolls becomes a key value criterion. A pre-roll equals a session, so getting more sessions creates a sense of more value. Consumers would accept a lower potency product if they ended up with more rolls for the same price in the end.

Develop the market's first high-multiple doob-tube pre-roll product and bring it to market under The Batch brand, using its numerical product naming concept and calling it "Quints." The product would be extremely efficient to manufacture and would target the current vulnerable 5-pack category leader, Aurora Aces.

My Role
- Came up with the 5-pack idea while touring the assembly line and meeting with the pre-roll line supervisor, who revealed that five rolls could fit in the existing tube
- Conducted market analysis that revealed Aurora Aces' vulnerability as the current 5-pack pre-roll category leader
- Developed the business case, and produced the stage-gate document as project owner to get the product approved and successfully brought to market
- Quints became the fastest-selling 5-pack pre-roll product on the market
- Quints unseated Aurora Aces as the best-selling 5-pack pre-roll product
- High-multiple in doob tube product format became widely imitated in the category (Quints was the first)
James Glendhill (Project Manager)
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